@extends('layouts.landing') @section('title', 'Elearning') @section('content')

Create {{tenantSetting($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])->elearning ?? 'Elearning'}} Videos

Course Video

Start putting together your course by creating course modules and practice questions (quiz).

Step 1 of 2
What's the title of this course?
Give a brief explanation of the course, what it entails and what you expect your users to get from it
Upload Course files
Upload a short video clip of the course giving insights to users on what the course is about
Upload an image cover for this course
Step 2 of 2
Add relatable tags to this course

The system automatically displays most viewed courses on Homepage if no course is made visible
0) data-list='{"valueNames": ["item-name"], "page": 10, "pagination": {"paginationClass": "list-pagination"}}' @endif id="contactsList">
Your Courses
{{$course_count}} courses
@if(count($courses) > 0) @else
No courses created
@include('elements.add-category') @endsection