Voting Poll Voter' Table votedId voterName 1 A 2 B 3 C 4 D 5 E Referendum Table ReferendumId ReferendumName ReferendumAnswer 1 part1 Yes 2 part2 No 3 part3 Yes Results Table ResultId voterId ReferendumId voterAnswer correctAnswer 1 1 1 Yes correct 2 1 2 Yes wrong 3 1 3 No wrong To get the results of any given referendum, we create a results table with the voterId and referendumId as indexes and query Then get the count of the ReferendumId in the results table SQL Query SELECT from results WHERE ReferendumId = AnyreferendumId COUNT Laravel $results = Result::where('ReferendumId', AnyreferendumId)->count(); In terms of privacy, each voter's Id and referendum are unique. A universal unique identifier (uuid) of 36 charcters can also be implored Rewriting history with git If therer are 2 commits M and N, to change their history; git rebase -i HEAD~2 This wil display the recent 2 commits to edit commit git reword The service container registers or injects the class in the namspace above with all its dependecies and can be accessed using the __construct method This Post Model is an eloquent model with a one to many relationship A better way to write the relationship will be: class Post extends Model { public function comments() { return $this->hasMany(Comment::class); } } Post has many comments and can be accessed as: Post::with(comments)->get()->toArray(); The site was slow because it ran on production (LIVE) server where users activities are now more While on staging server is just still a test server with less activity $ find /tmp -name "foobar" -newer The !important CSS attribute value overrides any class or element with the same styling It is always suggested to create and use a different CSS class name to add custom styling It makes sense to use it in cases where external libraries are imported and you need to add custom styling to classes instead of editing the library The first value of x is 3 with a boolean status FALSE The second value of x is 4 with a boolean status TRUE The last result is undefined and is TRUE The function iterates in the while loop and yields the value of x